
Kentucky Transfer Students - Kentucky's transfer policies
- Standardized degree requirements for all Kentucky public universities.
- 30 credit hours for the general education core
- 60 credit hours for associate’s degrees
- 120 credit hours for bachelor’s degrees, unless specialized or professional accreditation
standards calls for additional hours.
- Statewide general education transfer policy: Approved associate of arts and associate of science coursework is accepted for transfer
and degree credit.
- Common course numbering system among Kentucky’s community and technical colleges.
- Required course numbering prefixes for general education courses that assure students
of the possible transfer of credit.
- Standardized scores for awarding credit for AP and CLEP exams.
- Student-centered advising policies that emphasize alignment of student coursework
to degree requirements.
- Policies that assure that KCTCS students obtaining an AA/AS degree will receive priority
admission, being admitted as juniors at any Kentucky public university, if meeting
general education requirements.
- Standardized transcripts
- Transfer appeals processes posted on their respective websites and course catalogs.
- Standards of readiness that guarantee students access to credit-bearing coursework
without the need for developmental education or supplemental courses.